
PUK code is used for you to be able to unlock your Android's SIM card incase you forget your PIN. In other words, PUK code is actually a security code that SIM cards use in devices such as tablets, smartphones and the like. If you wish to get PUK code without having to contact customer service but do not know how to, do not worry as through this article, we shall provide you a guideline on how to do this.

What is PUK code?

PUK stands for Personal Unblocking Key. Sometimes, this is also called as PUC which stands for Personal Unblocking Code. This code is often used in 3GPP mobile phones. It is used to reset your phone's PIN (Personal Identification Number).

Often times, when one enters PIN code incorrectly three times, this could cause for the phone to get locked and the only way for you to unlock this is through your PUK code. However, unfortunately, this code is often forgotten by users. Hence, through this article, we shall guide you on how to solve this issue.

How to get PUK code without calling customer service?

Method 1 – Get your PUK code from the SIM card packaging

When you have purchased your SIM card, the package includes the PUK code in it. Hence, if you are still have your Sim card package, this is the easiest way for you to get a hold of your PUK code. All you have to do is to look for the plastic card where you snap out your SIM card from. Aside from the mobile/sim number, you will also find the PUK code printed on the back.

If the PUK code is not visible on the back of the plastic card, you could gently scratch off with a coin to see the PUK code.

Method 2 – Sign in on your mobile carrier's site to get your PUK code

In this method, though you would not need to call the customer service for you to be able to get your PUK code, you will need to sign into your Mobile carrier's site. Most mobile carriers provide online accounts to customers. Hence, all you have to do is sign into your credentials, and you shall see the code under your profile.

How to Unlock Android's SIM card using PUK code

  • Enter your PUK code for your SIM.
  • Press the checkmark for you to be able to continue
  • This will bypass your current PIN code
  • Your SIM will ask you to set a new one
  • Enter your desired PIN code
  • Tap on the checkmark
  • Confirm your new PIN code
  • Tap on the checkmark
  • Your device is now unlocked

Getting PUK Code by Calling Customer Service of your Mobile Carrier

For those who would want to call the customer service directly. Since your mobile carrier is the one who usually manufactures SIM cards, you might be able to ask for help from them. However, keep in mind that you might have to provide them some information such as your name, address and date of birth or other security questions.