what is the minium agi to receive ptc

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), Pub L. No. 117-ii, significantly enhanced the availability of the Affordable Intendance Act's (ACA) premium tax credit (PTC) to make healthcare acquired on the ACA's Health Insurance Marketplace more than affordable for 2020, 2021, and 2022. These changes could mean significant savings to taxpayers purchasing healthcare coverage on the Market. Because many farmers and ranchers are self-employed or owners of small partnerships or corporations for which insurance plans may exist costly, they may benefit from purchasing insurance on the Marketplace.

The ACA created the refundable PTC for those taxpayers purchasing insurance on the ACA Market place with household income between 100 pct and 400 percent of the federal poverty level. [www.healthcare.gov]. To authorize for Marketplace coverage, the taxpayer may non be eligible for affordable employer-sponsored health plans or other qualifying coverage.

Definition of the Premium Tax Credit

The PTC, which is often paid in accelerate through an "advance premium taxation credit" (APTC), is generally equal to the premium for the "2d lowest cost silver plan" (SLCSP) available through the Marketplace that applies to the members of a coverage family, minus the "applicative percentage" of household income.


Sam is single and earns $28,000/year. He is otherwise eligible for the PTC (eligibility rules are discussed beneath). Assuming that Sam's applicable per centum is 8.33% and the premium for the second lowest cost silver programme is $650/month, his yearly PTC would equal $5,468 [($7,800 SLCSP minus his applicable percentage of household income (.0833 x $28,000=$ii,332)]. This means that Sam would pay $2,332 for his Marketplace coverage, and an APTC would fund the rest.

Eligibility for PTC

Taxpayers are eligible for a PTC for months during which

  • a fellow member of their family is enrolled in a qualified program offered through the Marketplace and
  • they are non otherwise eligible for affordable "minimum essential coverage" through an employer or other source.

To be eligible for the PTC for a particular tax year, the premium must be paid by the due date of the return, not including extensions.

Other Affordable Coverage

If "affordable" employer coverage is offered to the taxpayer, the taxpayer is non eligible for a PTC. Affordability in 2021 is determined based upon whether an employer plan meeting the "minimum value" standard would cost the employee nine.83% or less of the household income. If so, the offering is for affordable coverage, and the employee is non eligible for a PTC, even if coverage is refused. Employees who accept the coverage are not eligible for the PTC, even if the employer coverage is unaffordable. Affordability is determined on a monthly basis.

Family unit Glitch

Oftentimes called, the "family glitch," affordability is adamant based upon the cost of self-only coverage. In other words, even if the cost of the family unit policy is unaffordable, the members of the household are ineligible for a PTC if the price of the self-simply coverage for the employee is affordable and the employer "offered" a family selection.


Ron and Riley have two children and farm in rural Nebraska. Ron works total-time on the farm, but Riley is a school instructor. Ron and Riley'south household monthly income is $vii,000. Riley's schoolhouse district offers health intendance coverage for the employee and the family.

Self-only coverage through the school commune would cost Jena $600 per calendar month, but family coverage would cost $1,950 per month. Riley's toll for the cocky-simply coverage is viii.6% of the household's monthly income. As such, she has been offered "affordable" coverage. Even though the cost of the family policy is 27.nine% of the household income, the family may not receive a PTC to buy coverage on the Marketplace for the other family members. The police force considers just the cost of the self-only coverage in making the affordability calculation for the family unit.

Note: A plan meets the "minimum value" standard when information technology pays on average at least lx% of the actuarial value of allowed benefits under the plan. "Minimum Essential Coverage" includes all employer-provided coverage, authorities-provided health plans, and individual coverage purchased on the Marketplace. It also includes ACA-compliant plans purchased through the individual market, including grandfathered plans. Minimum essential coverage does not include health sharing ministry plans or express do good plans, such as those offering only dental, vision, or critical illness benefits.

Household Income

Calculation of the PTC is dependent upon household income. Household income is "Modified Adjusted Gross Income" (MAGI), defined as "adjusted gross income" (line eleven on the Class 1040) minus untaxed strange income, not-taxable social security benefits, and tax-exempt involvement. It does not include SSI, simply it does include SSDI. Taxpayers must consider their MAGI, and the MAGI of all dependents required to file a federal income revenue enhancement render because their income meets the filing threshold. Household income does not include the MAGI of not-dependents in the household.

Federal Poverty Level

The PTC is generally available for those with household income between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). In states that have implemented Medicaid expansion, individuals with household income below 133%/138% of the FPL qualify for Medicaid and are not eligible for the PTC. In the 12 states that have not implemented Medicaid expansion, some individuals fall into the Medicaid "coverage gap," pregnant that their income is too low for the PTC, simply they are not eligible for Medicaid. In these states, adults without children are non eligible for Medicaid, regardless of their income. In 2021, the FPL for the 48 contiguous states, including calculations for 100% - 400% of the FPL, is shown in this chart:

Second Lowest Cost Argent Premium

The SLCSP is the premium for the 2nd lowest cost argent-level plan that covers all the members of the coverage family. At the time of enrollment, the Market place determines the SLCSP and calculates a PTC that enrollees can use in advance to lower monthly premiums (APTC). Individuals can look upwards the SLCSP based upon their demographics on healthcare.gov. [https://world wide web.healthcare.gov/taxation-tool/#/premium-tax-credit].

Applicable Percentage

The "applicable pct" of household income is the percentage of income that a taxpayer is expected to contribute toward healthcare premiums each yr. The following chart shows the applicable percentage table that was in consequence for 2021 before ARPA.

Inside an income tier, the actual per centum is adamant based upon a sliding scale, starting with the initial premium per centum and catastrophe with the final premium per centum. This means that individuals with MAGI betwixt 300% and 400% of the FPL had an applicable percent of 9.83% and were required to contribute 9.83% of their income toward their premium.

In one case household income is multiplied by the applicative percentage, the PTC comprises the balance of the SLCSP. If the taxpayer chooses a higher-priced program, the PTC is not increased. The additional premium is funded by the taxpayer. The PTC tin can be claimed when a taxpayer files a render, or it can be paid, as an accelerate premium taxation credit (APTC), to fund the coverage on behalf of the taxpayer throughout the year. Those with income at 400% or more of the FPL were non eligible for a PTC before ARPA.


Ben and Barb are 60 years sometime and married. Their MAGI is projected to be $70,000/year. Their SLCSP is $three,324.96. In other words, they would have to pay $39,899.52 a year to purchase the insurance. Ben and Barb's MAGI is just in a higher place 400% of the FPL. As such, they were not eligible for a PTC before APRA changed the police force for 2021.

Note: Information technology is important to remember that while the PTC is based upon bodily income for the year of the coverage, the APTC is paid based upon projected income. This can result in an overpayment of the APTC, and the demand to repay the excess when reconciling the PTC on the revenue enhancement return. ARPA temporarily changed this repayment requirement as detailed below for taxation year 2020 only.

ARPA Expansion of the Premium Tax Credit for 2021 and 2022

For 2021 and 2022 merely, ARPA removed the 400% FPL ceiling and allows many more than taxpayers, regardless of income, to qualify for a PTC.

For tax years starting time in 2021 and 2022, the applicable percentages of household income take been lowered for all income levels, and taxpayers with income of 400% of the FPL or higher are eligible for the PTC (if they otherwise qualify). As shown in the following nautical chart, the applicable percent for all taxpayers with income at or higher up 400% of the FPL is 8.v percent, regardless of income. This means that any taxpayers may qualify for the PTC in 2021 or 2022 if the SLCSP is more than viii.5% of their household income.

Note: Considering taxpayers are eligible for the PTC but for months in which they are enrolled in Market coverage, those signing up for Marketplace coverage in mid-2021 will non receive credit for the entire yr. In 2022, all the same, continuing enrollees will be eligible for the PTC all year (if their circumstances exercise non change).


Bena and Barb from the last example benefit significantly from the ARPA change:

  •  MAGI - $70,000/twelvemonth
  • $3,324.96 – monthly cost of second everyman cost premium on the Marketplace

With 8.5% of Ben and Barb'southward monthly MAGI at $496, and the monthly cost of the SLCSP at $3,325, Ben and Barb are eligible for a monthly PTC of $2,829. This would be a yearly do good of $33,948 if they had coverage all year. Ben and Barb's out-of-pocket cost for this coverage would exist $5,950 a twelvemonth.

Many More Eligible for PTC through 2022

Prior to ARPA, taxpayers with income at 400% or more of the FPL were subject to a "subsidy cliff," significant that they were required to pay the full premium for whatsoever Marketplace coverage they received. One dollar of extra income meant thousands of dollars of additional premiums. The ARPA removes this cliff for 2021 and 2022, restricting the required premium for these taxpayers to eight.5 percent of household income.

Automated Application of Enhanced Premium Tax Credits

Taxpayers who were already receiving insurance on the Marketplace when ARPA was passed were receiving APTCs and paying premiums under the applicative percentage tabular array in effect at the beginning of 2021. Because ARPA significantly change these percentages, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) appear in July of 2021 that they would automatically adjust APTCs based upon the new percentages in September of 2021. Impacted taxpayers will see their required contributions subtract or disappear in response to the change. When filing the 2021 render, these taxpayers may receive additional amounts through the PTC to compensate for the higher premiums they paid earlier in the year.

Special Dominion for Those Receiving Unemployment Compensation

ARPA also provides that taxpayers who received unemployment bounty for whatever calendar week first during 2021 are automatically eligible for the PTC. ARPA allows these taxpayers to calculate the PTC as though household income does not exceed 133% of the FPL.

This 2021 change means that Marketplace-eligible taxpayers receiving unemployment benefits at any fourth dimension in 2021 will have a total premium subsidy if they choose to enroll in the second-lowest priced silver program. Other rules go along to apply, nevertheless, with respect to eligibility, meaning that taxpayers for whom affordable employer-based health insurance is available are excluded from eligibility for a PTC. ARPA did non fix the "family glitch," referenced above.

Reconciling of the Accelerate Premium Tax Credit

As explained in a higher place, the PTC may exist paid, in accelerate, directly to the Marketplace insurer, to reduce the out-of-pocket cost the insured must pay for healthcare.  The amount of the APTC is based upon the taxpayer'due south household income gauge at the time they sign upwards for coverage. At the finish of the revenue enhancement year, the taxpayer for whom the APTC was paid must reconcile the APTC with the PTC calculated using actual household income.

If the APTC exceeds the PTC, the taxpayer must more often than not repay the difference, as an additional tax. While the repayment is generally express for those with income below 400% of the FPL, taxpayers with income at or above 400% of the FPL must repay the entire APTC. This "subsidy cliff" has acquired many taxpayers with small amounts of additional income to face large unexpected tax bills. Courts have ruled that the IRS has no discretion to waive this repayment, regardless of circumstance.

Note: Taxpayers reconcile their APTC on Form 8962, using information reported to them by the Marketplace on Form 1095-A. Special allotment rules use for households where family members file multiple returns or for those getting married during the year.


Assume that Ben and Barb from the last example expected to earn $67,000/twelvemonth in 2020 when they purchased insurance on the Marketplace. Based upon estimated household income, they received an APTC in the corporeality of $33,313 in 2020. They were required to pay 9.83% of their household income or $six,586 in premiums out of their own pocket.

In 2020, Ben and Barb maintained their usual income, merely sold depreciated equipment to help one of their grown children with an unexpected medical bill. They recognized income of $20,000 on the sale, pushing their 2020 income to $87,000. Because Ben and Barb's actual 2020 income exceeded 400% of the FPL, they were ineligible for the APTC they received.

Before ARPA, Ben and Barb would have been responsible to repay $33,313 as an additional tax.

No Repayment of Backlog APTC for Revenue enhancement Year 2020 Only

ARPA suspended the requirement to repay excess APTC for tax yr 2020. If a taxpayer's APTC exceeded the actual PTC, no additional tax was imposed, regardless of household income. Taxpayers who received as well much APTC were non required to report the excess APTC or even file the Grade 8962. For taxpayers who had already filed and paid the tax, IRS automatically reduced the backlog APTC and issued a refund. IRS instructed taxpayers not to meliorate their returns.

Taxpayers who were eligible for an additional PTC not paid through the APTC continued to file the Course 8962 in 2020 to claim the credit.

Reconciliation Required in 2021, But "Subsidy Cliff" if Gone

ARPA's suspension of the repayment of the excess APTC practical to taxation year 2020 merely. This ways that taxpayers must again repay backlog APTC in 2021 after reconciling the payment using Class 8962. By allowing all persons, regardless of income, to qualify for a PTC for premium amounts in backlog of 8.5%, however, ARPA removed the "subsidy cliff" for 2021 and 2022. This means repayment amounts triggered past reconciliation will generally exist less.


Allow's apply the ARPA rules to the facts from the last case, irresolute the twelvemonth to 2022. Ben and Barb purchase insurance on the Marketplace. Their income and SLCSP remain the same.

  • MAGI - $70,000/yr
  • $3,324.96 – monthly toll of SLCSP on the Marketplace

Ben and Barb are eligible for an APTC of $2,829/calendar month ($33,950/year) based upon their projected income. In 2022, they sell depreciated equipment to assistance 1 of their grown children with an unexpected medical bill, recognizing $20,000 of income on the sale and pushing their 2022 income to $90,000. As a result of the boosted income, Ben and Affront must repay the excess APTC on their 2022 render. The corporeality of the repayment is the difference between the PTC to which they are entitled and the APTC they received.

With $ninety,000 of income, Ben and Barb were required to contribute $7,650 toward their premium, instead of the $five,950 they contributed, based upon 8.five% of their projected income. In 2022, reconciliation requires repayment of $one,700 in excess APTC, as opposed to the whole subsidy (as required under pre-ARPA police).

Simply Temporary

Unless Congress extends these provisions, the special PTC rules implemented by ARPA volition expire in 2023. At the fourth dimension of this writing, the President was encouraging Congress to extend this temporary do good beyond 2023 through a reconciliation pecker.


Source: https://www.calt.iastate.edu/blogpost/reviewing-new-healthcare-options-2021-and-2022

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